What indoor plants are the least likely to give you allergies.

What Indoor Plants Are the Least Likely to Give You Allergies?

Plants can add a lot to a home in terms of color and beauty. But, the wrong plants can be bad for people with allergies. There are plants that are safe to use in the home even when allergy sufferers are present. In fact, some plants even clean the air. Most people can enjoy the beauty of houseplants if they take the time to choose ones that will not cause or aggravate allergies.

Some Plants From Far Away Add Color and Do Not Cause Allergies.

If you need more information on these exotic plants, check online companies that ship plants or your local plant store. These plants can be purchased in seed form, as potted plants, as leaves or plantlets, or as cuttings. They come with potting and growing instructions. The customer can ask about allergies before ordering the plants. There is a whole collection of Hawaiian tropical plants, including orchids, to consider. Some of these plants include the bird of paradise, the hibiscus, the woodrose, and more.

Why do Some Plants Cause allergic Reactions?

An allergy can be described as an overactive immune system response to normally harmless things like pollen, dust, or certain foods. Plants can cause allergic reactions by releasing pollen, dust, or mold spores. An allergic reaction can be triggered by breathing in the pollen or by touching the plants that have a makeup some people are allergic to.

People with allergies should avoid plants that release a lot of pollen or need damp soil where mold can grow. Plants with fuzzy leaves that trap dust, such as violets, can also be a problem. The worst plants for allergy sufferers are chrysanthemums, orchids, weeping figs, and marigolds. Bonsai trees are also bad for allergy sufferers.

Plants That are Allergy-friendly

There are plants that help people with allergies by removing formaldehyde and benzene from the home’s air and acting as natural humidifiers. They include philodendron, peace lily, marginata, mother-in-law’s tongue, areca palm, bamboo palm, dracaena, golden pothos, and others.

General rules for trying houseplants safely include:

1. Add one plant at a time and wait to see what reaction you have before adding another plant.

2. Choose plants with smooth leaves so they do not trap allergens.

3. For flowering plants, choose ones with less pollen and short stamens.

4. Ask the greenhouse or flower shop about each plant and if it is safe for people with allergies.

Plants That Help People With Allergies

Some plants actually help relieve allergies by removing pollutants from the air and acting as air cleaners. They include mums, peace lilies, gerbera daisies, areca palms, dracaena, golden pothos, and philodendrons. Having these plants in the home can be a good thing for allergy sufferers.

When a person has houseplants, they need proper care. The leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth periodically so they do not collect dust. Watering should be done when the soil feels dry, and avoid over watering. Constantly damp soil can harbor mold and mold spores. Healthy plants look better and help clean the air in a home.

Study each plant you are adding to your home to find out more about its proper care. Remove dead leaves and keep the soil surrounding the plants free of debris and mold. Check plants periodically for insects and treat them as needed. The right, healthy, well-cared-for plants can help people with allergies and also look attractive in the home.

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