Three tips for caring for your baby after your first childbirth.

3 Tips For Caring For Your Baby After Your First Childbirth

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Bringing new life into the world is exciting, especially for first-time parents. According to the US Census Bureau, 3.9 million females aged between 15-50 gave birth between April 2020 and April 2021. As a first-time mom, it’s prudent to know about baby care to make the first few weeks with your newborn less frustrating. If you wish to learn more about caring for a newborn properly, please consider these points.

Sleep Survival Tips

Professor James McKenna, the director of the University of Notre Dame’s Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory, recommends sleeping close to your baby to regulate their heart rate and stress levels. In addition, sleeping close to your newborn can control their immune system and simplify breastfeeding. Furthermore, you can rock your child to sleep as part of the calming process but always put your baby down when tired, not asleep. Finally, forcing a strict nap schedule on your newborn is not ideal, so keep this in mind.

Dealing With Crying

Crying is perhaps the most significant source of frustration for newborn parents. Thankfully, you can address it without feeling overwhelmed. It is crucial to rule out the obvious causes of crying, like a soiled diaper, tight clothing, or extreme temperatures. You can also sway, rock, or put your child in an infant swing to eliminate crying since babies love motion. In addition, you can let your child suck on your finger, breast, bottle, or pacifier, although many experts recommend not using a pacifier until the child is four weeks to six weeks old. 

Furthermore, swaddle your baby securely in a blanket and jiggle them gently to reduce crying. Although it is familiar with newborns, it is essential to notice if your baby cries abnormally. For instance, high-pitched crying, grunting, overall fussiness, or an arched back could indicate birth injuries. As such, you can file a birth injury claim and be entitled to birth injury malpractice compensation if you can prove doctor or hospital negligence.

Breastfeeding Basics

Although nursing is natural, it is almost always harder than expected in the beginning. However, some experienced mothers advise that you don’t delay your breastfeeding. Therefore, consider nursing within an hour of delivery to enjoy a smooth breastfeeding experience. Luckily, you can request help from the lactation consultants at your hospital. Also, bear in mind that much of your nursing will be on-demand in the first six weeks. Therefore, avoid establishing a feeding schedule too early since it can interfere with your milk supply. Instead, let your newborn nurse whenever they want within this period. 

Also, your child must have a deep latch to get enough milk and prevent your nipples from becoming sore. As such, position your child correctly and tickle their mouth with your nipple to encourage your baby to open wide. Then, ensure that your newborn takes the entire nipple and a substantial portion of your areola in their mouth to obtain a good latch. Furthermore, feed your milk supply by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily to keep you and your child hydrated. Finally, many experts recommend introducing bottle feeding between 6 to 8 weeks after birth, so keep this in mind if you want your child to bottle-feed eventually.

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