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Outsourcing to avoid burn out.

The importance of outsourcing to avoid burnout. 

When I first became an entrepreneur I found it almost like a badge of honor to be able to do all the things. People would ask how are you balancing so much? And I would reply and smile thinking wow they think I’m so special. Three kids, homeschooling, running three businesses, being a housewife, really conquering the world over here. Unfortunately that was not my truth, inside I was dying, overwhelmed, and in a complete state of exhaustion and burnout. My passion for what I did was draining faster and faster by the day. I used the excuse well I can’t afford it because I’m a new business or I would get in my ego and think that no one could do the job like I could. I’m here to tell you first hand you can’t afford not to outsource. We all have individual gifts, and that is a beautiful thing, however we don’t have all the gifts so when we are able to begin building a team of the basics everything else falls into place and we are able to focus on the areas that we are passionate about. My top three outsourcing secrets I am going to share with you today and I wish I had a magic wand or someone to smack me upside the head when I first started my business and explain to me the importance these three roles play. 

SEO Services 

We are living in a digital world and I am a digital girl. On a serious note, let’s talk about SEO it stands for search engine optimization. Why this is important is because it drives leads and quality dream clients to your website. No customers? No business. When someone searches something on Google you want to show up in the first couple of pages – if you do not the chances of a client or potential customer finding you are slim to none. Reality is…most of us are inpatient and wWe are living in a digital world and I am a digital girl. On a serious note, let’s talk about SEO it stands for search engine optimization. Why this is important is because it drives leads and quality dream clients to your website. No customers? No business. When someone searches something on Google you want to show up in the first couple of pages – if you do not the chances of a client or potential customer finding you are slim to none. The Reality is…most of us are impatient and want instant gratification in our search bars. Being able to work with a company that’s expertise is an SEO is ideal for you to start showing up in front of your ideal audience. One that works with local SEO is especially vital if your business does not have national or international coverage. So why is local SEO important? It makes sure that someone in your serviceable area is more likely to find you than someone on the other side of the country who cannot access your business.

Virtual Assistance or Social Media Management 

When running a business the amount of time that we end up on social media can get a bit cray cray. You start out with good intentions but then start scrolling the gram or tiktok and 3 hours has rolled by and you have accomplished nothing. We fall into rabbit holes of imposter syndrome and comparison games, yet justify it as social media is a huge part of our job. With the algorithms it is imperative you are engaging with your audience. There are a ton of different methods of doing this from times of posting to joining PODS of influencers and supporting each other – the list is truly endless. Ready for my biggest secret – when I hired my virtual assistant I gained 15 hours a week to work on projects I had been procrastinating on. This was everything from content creation to launching new courses to spending more time on my podcast. This gave me time to authentically show up for my audience and connect with each one of them on a deeper level versus just trying to keep my head above water. If I needed research on ads or where to find something instead of spending endless hours on Google, I can reach out and now ask someone to help me in finding a solution for my problem who already has the expertise in that area.  

Funnel or Ad Experts 

I know, I know. Funnels the big scary word of 2021 that is life-changing to your business. It allows it to seamlessly run and you can make income while you sleep. there are tricks to it though and you do need to know what you are doing. I am as technology challenged as they come so for me doing funnels and Facebook ads I kept hitting dead end after dead end after dead end. It was really defeating trying to figure everything out. Again I realized this was not my gift nor had I wanted to wear. Outsourcing in funnels was huge for my business to be able to be seen by a larger audience. I suggest if you are looking for short-term work with this to use feverr or upwork. Both sides are fabulous and filled with very talented entrepreneurs who are gifted and passionate about doing this type of work. It’s also beautiful to get a second opinion about what you think and AD should look like versus maybe what your audience is going to be more drawn to. 

These are my top three secrets and I hope at least one resonates with you. If nothing else, take away that you do not have to wear all the hats and there are ways around finding out source work for whatever path you are on or whatever stage you are at in your business. As always I’m always here for questions. 

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