Farm House Kitchen – Quick Face Lift

With Holiday Season now in full swing, it means family, pop over surprises by friends, and gatherings upon gatherings.

Our home is all the “Farmhouse Style” and I am a total swoon for words. They have so much meaning and add the perfect finishing touch to any room. I’ve teamed up with Craft Cuts to bring you some inspiration and how to’s on how to make over your kitchen space for the Holiday Season.

Where my “Fixer Upper” fans at!!! (HUGE HAND RAISE OVER HERE) with a slight squeal every time I get an idea or aha moment from them! Then I heard the quote from Magnolia Farms “The World Needs You To Be Who You Were Made To Be.”

Recently our family has gone through some HUGE changes this year and sometimes our entire being and soul shifts who we are. This just resonated so hard for my families journey right now and I wanted it front & center when you entered our home as a reminder we are all on a growing path and that’s beautiful and ok.

So with out further a due lets dive into how I created this in under one hour with the help of my amazing friends who are the pros at creating the exact cut I imagined! (Sizing and all)

For this particular piece we used birch wood. I have stainless steel in my kitchen and so I purchased a “hammered silver” at my local hardware store and painted the letters first.


Then after everything was dry I whipped out my trusty glue gun! (I learned this little gem of a trick with my laundry room letters and fell in LOVE….)

It does not damage the walls and you have no nail indentations or marks which show.

They just float beautifully. I placed each letter up and got to gluing. I wanted this particular piece to be a little bit scattered and not even as the phrase totally fits this! I let my OCD goooooo on this project! LOL!

This project from start to finish literally took me less than 45 minutes and completely changed the dynamic of my kitchen and a huge empty white wall as the centerpiece of it.


So let’s cheers to the upcoming Holiday season, being thankful and in gratitude for the big things, the small things, and everything in between and celebrating each day as it comes with all the creativity around us in which we have been blessed with.

Let's Give Them Something To Talk About