Do your parents need to move into a care home?

Indeed, when you get older and your family gets older, it is already time to discuss the future. When they get older what are their wishes? Do they wish to live in a home or do they want to live in their house with carers? In order to foresee the help of a third person if no member of the family is able to take care of the parents. Sometimes your parents don’t really know what they want and will leave it in your hands. However, some people don’t have the help they need.

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Go through all the options

Consider together the best options based on your parent’s situation. See if you need to make any changes to the accommodation (grab bars in the bathroom, adapted furniture, medical bed if necessary, easy access, etc.). If your loved one has dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or other disease, make an appointment with health professionals who will be able to advise you and direct you to appropriate care. They may need to go into a care home

Weigh the pros and cons before moving your parent to your home

You can tell yourself that having your relative with you is the best solution and that it will be more practical to look after him or her, but think carefully. Talk about it with your partner and with other family members. Can you take on this responsibility? Will you have the time you need to manage your parent’s day-to-day? Do you think this is the best solution for them? Having a relative living with you who is dependent on care, can take up your time and stop your life altogether. A care home is a good option because they are fed and cared for when you have to go to work or when you need to spend time dedicating to your children. This is not to say you can’t have them live with you, but if they have special needs, then this is important to look at. 

Evaluate the cost of care

Medical services are expensive. Check that your loved one is well insured and that their mutual fund covers the costs that they must incur depending on their state of health. If your parent is destitute or has limited resources, check with social organizations to ask for assistance that would cover part of the care. 

Asking for help from family or loved ones

It is important not to try to go it alone at the risk of burning your wings and penalizing your own health. Caring for an elderly or sick parent requires energy and availability at all times. In addition to the emotional stress that can weigh on you, you will not be able to take on everything on your own, both physically and morally, and this can lead to discomfort. It is essential to delegate, to bring your loved ones together to participate and to grant you time off or time off. You should never be bogged down with this pressure.

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