Can I get a HELLO?

You have a dream. You write it down. You have a goal. You make a plan. You put it to action and before you know it’s a reality. 

I realized this year that it takes team work to make the dream work. My entire life I have tried to carry mountains on my shoulders alone….I’ve gotten far but not to the top. I met these two amazing women through my son’s school and knew I had to have them involved some way some how with my ultimate goal of helping other women. (These ladies are the show stopping special ones that make you laugh, are real and raw.) You know, the mom friends you painfully “mom date” to find? Personally…This attracts me to people…. REALNESS. Moms, Entrepreneurs, corporate Women, Stay at home wives, workaholics, influencers….Anyone. I wanted to REACH YOU! to help YOU! Everyone has a goal, a common purpose….

Bottom line…That purpose is to be the best possible YOU that you can be….To be better than you were yesterday. To learn from your mistakes, make smarter action moves, and to love harder! Am I right???? Ok ok! So last week I met with these phenomenal women at the park. We connected, we brain stormed, we PLANNED….and you know what happened REALITY…..


Meet my two guest writers! We will be brain storming, planning, sharing projects, having our 5 kids go crazy at parks while we attempt to make something special for YOU! Big things for 2018… I won’t reveal it all at once, because what fun is that….I will however introduce these amazing women….

Meet Kristen…..


“Hi, I’m Kristen, a blessed and grace-filled mom trying to rekindle my creative spark and also put positivity and encouragement into this world.  I believe women empowering and supporting each other in a REAL way is how we make positive changes for us all. I also love laughing with friends, sci-fi movies and shows (hello Anaconda and X-Files), all things nature, reading, gardening, and being a wife and mom. I am so thankful for my tribe of friends and hope to connect to even more of you out there! I love being a bit sassy as I explore this wonderful, crazy roller-coaster life, so if you want to laugh while we explore our creative and entrepreneurial side, come on along with me.”

Let me also add she loves crocaconda (sci fi reference), bacon, and wine… Can I get a HELLO!

Ok Lets meet Heather (She’s amazing) works full time and is PTA president…. (I don’t even go to PTA so no clue how this mama balances, but she will sure tell you.)

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“Hi, I’m Heather, a grateful, (and juggling) mom on a mission to discover my authentic self, to choose joy every day and to find the true meaning of balance. I am filled with a passion for spreading kindness, choosing joy and finding new adventures in this wild life we live. Women supporting and uplifting each other while pushing ourselves to explore our limits and new experiences is a new but deeply meaningful focus for me. I suppose you could say I’m mostly sweet with a bit of spice! I cherish laughter and enjoy lighthearted sarcasm but my heart beats with sentiment and emotion. I love listening to music and find lyrics to be one of my most therapeutic experiences in life. I enjoy all things centered around relationship building – coffee, wine and food. What else could you need? Sentimental movies, sweet memories with my children and family and precious time with my beloved tribe of friends are the things that feed my soul. I’m excited you’re here and I look forward to walking this path of discovery, joy and laughter with you!”

Let me also add that she is PTA president, loves wine, baking and sappy chick flicks.


Get ready for some mind blowing, hilarious, real, diy, mommin ain’t easy ish coming up in here! 2018 will be amazing….





Let's Give Them Something To Talk About